From the recording CHRIST IS OUR BRIDGE


Christ is our bridge from now to forever,
Spanning the darkness with love and forgiveness.
And like a long, lost friend,
Calling us across to life without end.
This life that's heaven sent can end in an instant,
Or slowly drift away like a storm in the distance.
We  die and rise to new life in only a moment:
Born again with Christ in the waters of life together.
When we wander, lost and alone, beneath the stars and sun,
Then life on earth is done before it has begun.
This gift of life is a quest for something far greater:
Calling all to life, a loving call like no other.
This life that's heaven blessed is lived in celebration,
As we carry our cross on the road to salvation.
Our faith, our hope, and our love are spreading the Good News:
His "Come and follow me!" is saving all believers.