From the recording THE HOUR HAS COME


This is the day the Lord our God has made,
When the Son of Man is raised high and glorified;
Saving his children to face this world unafraid.
Like a grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies,
Soon rises to bear the fruits of new life.
This is the day of days:  of love and salvation for the many.
O the hour has come on a cross of love, once and for all.
Let the heavens open up to the eternal call of God.
O the hour has come, once and for all.
This is the day the Lord our God has made,
When the Son of Man takes on the sins of the world;
Lighting the darkness that ruled our days and nights.
Like branches that grow and thrive from the true vine,
The faithful yield a great harvest in their time.
This is the day of days:  of grace and forgiveness for the many.
This is the day the Lord our God has made,
When the Son of Man lays down his life for his friends;
Saving God's children from death with love to the end;
For the bread from heaven came to walk the earth,
While feeding the many who hunger and thirst.
This is the day of days:  from death without end to life everlasting.